Thursday, September 22, 2011

My first Blog post!!

Well, this is my first attempt at blogging and here you will find updates about our B&B and events in Melbourne, well as my feelings on BAD (and good) service at bars, restaurants and with contractors.

I just don't understand the mentality of someone who works in the service industry and has a bad attitude at work. Okay - maybe you're having a bad day, but suck it up and do your job with a smile and pay attention to the people who are paying you (your customers).

Being the co-owner of a Bed & Breakfast with my beautiful wife Bambi, my tolerance threshold for bad service is VERY low. We pride ourselves on exception service at the Inn and unfortunately not a lot of service oriented places feel the same. I go out a lot to bars and restaurants and have used many contractors in my remodeling of the B&B, and I have experienced WAY too many crappy bartenders, servers and especially contractors.

1 comment:

  1. Andy,

    I do feel your pain. Especially when I treat myself out for a nice dinner and then end up leaving with regrets ONLY due to the service. I'm spending my money and taking time to treat myself I would appreciate it if When I did so I was treated with professional friendly service. You and Bambi are doing an excellent job with providing great customer service. I love the cookies you provide and the vacation style music. Not only that you do keep your visitors informed with what is nearby and the hot spots of the area! Keep up the good work.
