Saturday, October 1, 2011

Shut up & listen!!

I think listening has become a lost art in our society today. People just can't wait till you're done with your sentence to get THEIR point in, so they interupt in the middle of your sentence. Man, I just want to slap these people (interupters) - It's supposed to be a conversation, not a diatribe.

Next time you're out with friends (or talking with anyone) take a moment to see how many times you are interupted by the one you are talking with. See how many of them actually let you finish your thought before they just have to interupt to wow you with their views. You'll be amazed.

We also need to take a look at our own listening skills - you may be one these interupters! But I have found that the only change we can make is to ourselves. And believe me I have tried to change some of these interupters and it never works. They have the attention span of a gnat.

It's time to shut up and listen - we may actually learn something.

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